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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back That Thing Up

Ive gone blog crazy. In Melissa Iannucci fashion, I put up three posts today. You will have to pardon the background chatter on this hilarious video. Some members of the Smith household have never been part of a Ryan Smith production before so they lack proper etiquette. If you can fight your way through the annoying audience this is a gem. Riley just cant seem to get her pants over her ample posterior. Sorry the video is so long. I couldnt cut it down while away from our home base.


G.A.Sandy said...

A Riley gem for sure..what a great Ryan production. W got a good chuckle.Always nice for a Monday morning.
All the pics are just great. Love the one with Aunt Jenna. Grammy Smith's rocks look great.

Now on to the new year and more from Ryan Productions that we look forward to...

Happy New Year y'all!
G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

So who finally fixed up her pants..greaT FLICK . Never too long.
