Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Babypalooza 2.0

This is the second post of the day, so be sure to check out the action of Christmas day as well.

Today began a story that will play itself out over the next 20 years. Finnegan is clearly in love with both of our daughters. Here you can see him expressing his love by choking Sanna. Typical grade school crush. She didnt cry as one normally would when being attacked. I am keeping a close eye on him. He isnt walking yet, so he cant actually chase after them, but he is doing his darndest.

Riley did her best to make Finnegan aware of her beauty and personality by pushing him in the wagon. He seemed interested, but he was clearly playing it cool.

Not to be outdone, Sanna jumped in to get her push on. Finnegan is starting to look annoyed by all this female attention. He just wanted to watch football and listen to his dad agonize over ever yard gained by his opponent's players in the fantasy football championship game.
This is the closest we could get to a group shot. Owen is the only one who cares about the quality of this photo. I thank him for the effort, but Riley's crying and Max's crazy cry/wheeze/grunt signaled the end of this dream shot. We tried to get everyone in funny hats as well. We are so nieve.

Owen tried his best to get a Santa hat on Sanna, but no luck. In another of her 'feats of strength', she fought him off and maintained her sweet hairdo.

Riley's second love was this bounce horse. She hung on for dear life as it played some sweet tunes.

Setting the feminist movement back another ten years, Riley and Haley proved themselves completely incapable of simple tasks like hammering and sawing. Owen had to come over and give the ladies a hand.

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

As they say,Christmas is for children...these took me back to photos of little niece and nephews long ago and far away.....


G.A. Sandy