Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, October 3, 2009

What a Day

Shaking the money maker after riding down a slide she didnt realize include a trip through a puddle at the end. I promise that is a leaf on her butt.

Where has our children's youth gone. I almost cried looking at these pictures. She looks 14 in this one. For realz.

Sanna assured me she was more than capable of scaling the play center to ride the slide. I followed her anyway. No falls to date.

The last time we were at the park (sans camera) she hung for like 10 second. She must have forgotten her spinach on this day.

Riley looking as mature as ever. Laurin thinks it is the pants.

I thing laurin might actually approve of a picture of herself for once. I agree that this is a true winner.

Riley and her pet horse Frederico.

Shortly after arriving at our shopping destination Sanna decided she had enough. The one trick she has up her sleeve besides screaming at the top of her lungs is drenching herself in her own vomit. Well done.

You would probably guess that Riley was the one having the much better time in this video but it was Sanna who freaked out whenever we took her out of the swing.


Kathy said...

Well you know the song "Blink" it happens with the kids they grow up so fast. Imagine how beautiful they will be next year and the next. I like the picture of Laurin. Thanks for the webcam the other day. They and you both boosted my spirits for sure.

mariellen said...

They are growing so fast. Enjoy every wonderful moment. I wonder if Sanna gets carsick. Didn't it happen before during or after a car trip?

Grammy S

Patti said...

They DO look like teenagers! (well maybe 5 year olds!) What is up with that? Give them some "stay as you are" pills until I can see them again in person!

Maria said...

a fan of walgreeens i am! (are you stalking me on facebok?:)) actually i became a fan b/c if you did before the 2nd they gave you a free photo book. i actually never shop there. in real life i am a fan of cvs. so actually the whole walgreens fan thing on facebook is just a lie to get some free stuff.

Bri said...

OMG! Your girls are SO FREAKING CUTE! I can't take it.