Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, October 17, 2009

Video Saturday

We have been stuck in the house due to the extreme cold in Indianapolis. So, there hasnt been much action. I am not sure what we are going to do with ourselves this winter. Here is a video of Riley having a conversation with herself and another of the girls holding hands and not violencing each other.

Now you see why we need to put them in very controlled environments. If there is any surface to climb they will find it, climb it, and maybe even stand up and jump on it. In case you were wondering, that is a 100lb weight on the floor. I had just finished about a thousand reps.

Riley took a break from putting the box on her head to try to sit in it. She thought the bigger ones were too easy.

Riley is modeling her look after her grandpas.

If we can achieve this kind of love between bitter enemies for 85 seconds I dont think world peace is far off.


mariellen said...

How sweet! They'll be best buds forever even though an occasional bite or hair pull may come along.

Grammy Smith

Kathy said...

thus is worth the Nobel Peace prize. Brightened my evening for sure.


Patti said...

Awwwwww! Too cute! Is it really that cold up there?

irisheyes said...

It was great seeing the girls in action, again. Like the munchkin down the street, they are growing so fast. Ryan, your comments about world peace were really have the one or two line wit down, guy.