Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, October 5, 2009

Pumpkin Paradise

On the way home we had to put the girls in the trunk with the pumpkins so that Melissa and Ryan could ride back with us. One of their car's wheels fell off in the farm parking lot. I understand that these are all out of chronological order, but I am too lazy to think of the way blogger uploads them ahead of time and definitely to lazy to copy and paste them back in the right order. Think of it as a fun puzzle. Like Sudoko, but way easier.

Sanna really enjoyed herself at the pumpkin patch. She ran around kissing all the pumpkins and tripping on all the vines. I wonder how far she would have gone if we let her. She might still be out there. There were a lot of pumpkins that needed kissing.

Riley wanted to reenact the scene from field of dreams, walking out into the corn. I dont think anyone would have been disappointed if she would have disappeared after her performance that day.

I forgot to throw this one in last post. This is the girls in their hot new pajamas. They say 'Paul Frank' on them like that should mean something to us. Apparently he is a big deal. Riley likes her pants jacked up high to show off her 'abs'.

Riley thought about making a break for it and heading back for the shuttle. She found the uneven terrain and large orange orbs extremely off-putting. Instead of embracing the adventure like her sister she thought acting like a wet blanket would be far more fun. She almost succeeded in ruining everyone's time if it wasnt for the willingess of her Godfather to entertain her/carry her.

This video speaks for itself and sums up our day. Riley needing to be carried. Ryan willing to enable her diva attitude. Riley gladfully being Ryan's excuse to run around like a child in the pumpkin patch.


Patti said...

I LOVE the jeans and tennis shoes! :)

Kathy said...

What a great pumpkin adventure. Showing nature to them early. Glad all the families had a good time. Great memories for sure. I told Uncle Leo all about it.