Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, October 26, 2009

Zoo, Boo!

We, along with every other family with a child under 15, decided to take advantage of the amazing weather on Sunday and went to Zoo Boo. It is basically the Zoo, but you dress up in your halloween costumes and they give out candy at a few locations. Laurin really enjoyed the crowds and trying to get our kids in and out of their strollers every time we got to new animals.

Riley saw Manny drop a running head butt on his brother, so they got together to discuss the merits of various sibling attack maneuvers. Riley assured Manny that the bite was clearly the best way to get your point across. Manny saw no reason why the two maneuvers couldnt be combined for sibling domination. Riley gave him a kiss and went on her way.

Ernesto Did not find Sanna's hugs as cute as we do. Sanna's new kicks allowed her to escape at the requisite speed. I really would have liked to see him connect with those cute little horns.

Ernesto had about enough of Zoo Boo. After chasing Sanna away he headed to the highest point in the petting zoo for a break. He had no idea of the climbing skills Sanna possesses and was only saved by our leaving the petting zoo for animals you couldnt touch.

The girls high fived to celebrate their harrassment of the goats. Riley had gathered some sweet intel from Manny and Sanna had scared off the friendliest animals at the zoo.

Thanks to strong buckles in the strollers we were able to achieve a picture with the kids sitting still for 10 seconds. Baby Sam was passed out in the stroller so he will have to wait for next years pic.


Bri said...

Abe looks a little funny in that photo. Your girls were so good and cute! I am glad we got to spend some time with you guy!

Patti said...

CUTE little ladybug and bee! Cute little boy in the middle too, Bri!

Kathy said...

this could lead to head butts for sure. Was there a nanny there as well? You guys have a lot of fun.

Did they make goat noises on the way home? I Like the gentle ladybug and Bee. Great granma Angie would approve. They are just too cute to be spooky..
