Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, October 30, 2009

Sharing is Not our Strength

Lately, when we go shopping, the first thing you give the girls to hold becomes the most important thing in their world. For Riley, it was this jar of peanut butter.

For Sanna, it was these bananas. She tried to sneak bites off them as we shopped. It looked gross to us but she had fun. I learned the painful lesson that you shouldnt give them something you dont plan to buy. Putting things back on the shelf is not an option once they declare it their property. We almost had to come home with a wooden snake that wiggled back and forth.

As punishment for something Laurin must have done to wrong Melissa we were left with Erin for the day. As you can see from this picture, she is very comfortable around our two terrors. They were scheming about how they could torture her so that she would never come back and divert attention away from themselves.

Riley on the rocking horse = happy. Sanna on the rocking horse = mad Riley. She tried to pull her off but I stopped the violence. She only laughed a little when I told her no in my best authoritative voice.

She took her own shirt off to bring the sexy. She is staging a gut-off right now with Grandpa.

As you can see, Riley back on the horse does not cause the same reaction from Sanna. She is the more mild-mannered (yet suprisingly devious) child.


G.A.Sandy said...

Love the pages from the lives of the Ryan and Laurin Smith family....sounds all very familiar...hmmm.

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

Well a laugh when daddy says no needs a time out. But I can undersatnd I loved beating my sisteoutof a sweater she planned to wear..hmmm.But I was much older.
