Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, October 26, 2009

'The Move'

Two posts in a day again! I had trouble uploading this video, so many of you are already aware of 'the move', but here you go. Sorry for the nausea-inducing camera work. The move needs to be captured at the appropriate angle. With two of them pulling it off catching it can be tough. Riley is the inventor of 'the move'. Sanna didnt want to be outdone so she jumped on the bandwagon. Its no leg trick, but what is.


mariellen said...


Grammy Smith

Patti said...

That's really using your head Riley!

Bri said...

They are totally going to be gymnasts.

Kathy said...

Oh I will have to practice to keep up with Riley..


G.A.Sandy said...

LOVE IT.....loads of smiles from this one, over and over....

G.A. Sandy