Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, November 17, 2008

Puking, Coughing, Sneezing, and Bouncing

We have begun instilling lifelong values in our children early. The first I learned from Barney. Sharing means caring. Mamma Smith has been generous enough to teach us this lesson by sharing her cold with the whole family. Riley and I were the first to share in the fun, now Sanna appears to be joining in. Our days have included a lot more fussiness, puking, coughing, sneezing, and fun. The one bright spot is that the girls can now reach the floor while using the bouncy chair. Riley's weight helps her get a little lower, so she can bouncy like a crazy person. She always gets a smile on her face when the bouncing gets started. The only annoying thing is the music that comes out of that thing. It kind of restarts every time she bounces. Anyways, enjoy the pics and video of the fun.


Kathy said...

Did you get your flu shots? This will help the girls from getting it from the adults. Love the videos. Leo and I enjoy seeing them grow so well from far away. You both are doing a great job!!Love Aunt Kath

C8ertot said...

Just to clarify...are those baby uggs ? Otherwise known as buggs ? If they aren't, are your babies secretly Eskimos ? Either way, I love em ! You children are a fashion plate.

Patti said...

Yes, we SWEAR by the flu shot! It's a miracle! I didn't know that they had "baby" flu shots, but it makes sense! Give them some extra hugs from me while they are snotting away!



G.A.Sandy said...

Those girls are getting so big sooooo fast.....
that is the thing about is everything!!!

Hope y'all get all better soon...

I,too, believe in flu shots...for adults I believe in Vit C too.


G.A.Sandy said...

I do not think you can imagine what joy this blog is...!
