Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We Voted!!!!

Laurin and I got up bright and early to get to the polls at 6AM.  I am leaving at 9 for a business trip, so time was of the essence.  When we got there, the line was quite long and we were worried. With both babies in tow we didnt have forever, and it wasnt all that warm.  To our delight, the line moved quite fast once the polls opened.  There was probably 300 people in front of us at 6AM!, but we still were out of there in an hour.  As we left, there was hardly a line.  Everyone must have had the same idea about getting there early.  The ladies were a hit, and hopefully did not catch anything as a result of their contact with people today.  Anyway, see the attached pics of our fun.

1 comment:

G.A.Sandy said...

Civics 101 for the ladies...getting into good citizenship habits early...
Hey, with all those other strange voters out there, the
twins probably could have voted too!
