Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, November 1, 2008

More Halloween Fun...

The ladies had quite a good time in their first Halloween costumes. We might actually make Riley wear hers every day. She sat quietly (not asleep) all night and didnt fuss a bit. Sanna wanted to be held, but when she was there was no issue. We had plenty of visitors. Costumes ranged from the good (most of the little kids in their superhero or princess costumes) to the bad (a very young mother in no costume smoking a cigarette who asked us if we had any soft candy, which I think she wanted for her new born. She couldnt have been more than 18). Anyway, Laurin and I got drunk on the porch while handing out the candy and talking to the neighbors. Melissa and Cynthia came over for pizza and wings after the trick-or-treating, so it was basically my perfect night. Beer, wings, babies.

*we didnt really get drunk for all you who are still trying to grasp sarcasm
**I would like to print a retraction on a previously posted statement. Grandma Nancy is a wonderful Grandma and didnt really cause Sanna to freak out while I was gone. I was given that piece of information from Laurin, but it was mostly to represent how she was the 'new' person who was around at the time. It just helped to illustrate the point.


G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, wouldn't Grandmother Angi have loved these pictures...remember how she would dress up on Halloween to greet the kids? Or maybe you were too young...must find a photo in the archives. At any rate the tradition goes on! Wonderful, wonderful....Anne Geddes watch out!!!


Jill said...

The girls are too precious for words. Yes, I am stocking your Blog. Just can't decide which sweetie Abe is going to marry.Just the first Halloween of many.

Maria said...

i love the new picture of the girls. they really are cute! (not that their cuteness was in question...)