Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, November 20, 2008


We are almost done with this pesky cold that is circulating through the household.    Sanna didnt appear to get it too bad.  It must be the additional 'immune support' in her formula.  She has taken to crying when she is tired, which is often.  That being said, Riley is currently our favorite baby.  She only cries when she is hungry.  She does puke still, but we have gotten used to that, and it normally isnt huge amounts.  She is still super-skilled at bouncing, and she laughs when tickled.  Sanna is a weak bouncer, never shuts up (which is cute, but constant), and whines a lot.  If she becomes a better bouncer it might be a wash.  We had one odd night where Sanna woke up three times to eat, but other than that we are now getting them to sleep from ~8PM to 6AM.  They may not be in their cribs, but we will take it for now.  Looks like all you pessimists were wrong.   Laurin is working on their rolling over skills.  Riley is close.  Sanna has a little trouble rolling that big dome around.   We joined a gym yesterday, so hopefully the babies will start getting in shape soon.  Sanna does pilates twice a week, and Riley is doing Zoomba.  I am back to racquetball and Laurin is working to become professional bodybuilder.   We are having our own little biggest loser challenge.  Basically, I am telling Laurin I am going to lose weight.  The only way for me to be interested is to make it into a contest.  Laurin really isnt participating, mostly becuase she doesnt need to lose weight, but I pretend she is.  Right now, I think I am winning. We will see when the photos of us in our thongs on the beaches of Florida come out.  I have ~6 weeks to look like I shouldnt be on  the real biggest loser.  


G.A.Sandy said...

Glad to hear you are all on the mend, and that you all are sleeping nights. gym! I am impressed!

Love you;

Maria said...

don't worry. with 2 babies at the beach, you won't have time to model your thongs

Patti said...

It sounds like Sanna is just living up to her name. You have called her "diva" since she was born - she's just learning the role! We need a video of the bouncing, laughing Riley! (even though your description made me smile) Get out the camera Dad! :)


Bri said...

I can't wait for you to document Laurin's journey into becoming a body builder. I always knew she had it in her.

Kathy said...

You could use the girls as weights picking them up and down. Bet they giggle. Laurin no challenge hee he can never do what you accomplished dear.
Aunt Kathleen