Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, November 29, 2008


So, despite the fact that she wont really be trying to lose weight, I lost the biggest loser poll.  I want to thank everyone for their confidence in my will power.  Screw you all.  Also, two people had the balls to say they have seen cuter babies than ours.  So, to Bri and Maria, I say Im bringing back the cage match.  Its on.  


Steph said...

Sorry, Ryan, I was one of the votes. You owe your friends an apology. Apparently you never saw Nick and Luke as babies.

Steph said...

Sorry, Ryan, I was one of the votes. You owe one of your friends an apology. Apparently you never saw Nick and Luke as babies.

Steph said...

I don't know why it did that twice.

Maria said...

i was under the impression the voting was anonymous...

Big Ryan said...

it is....I just have amazing powers of deduction. Apparently not totally amazing since I was wrong on at least one vote.

Patti said...

Good to know that the voting really IS anonymous....

Bri said...

Uhhh, I didn't even vote in that poll, so maybe you should back up off of me with your accusations. I didn't want to vote against the girls, because they are pretty freaking cute. But, you know my loyalty lies with Baby Abe. Plus, who knows how much cuteness my belly is carrying right now.

Maria said...

oh. maybe i was just feeling guilty. to be honest, i am not sure if i even voted on that one...
you should have had a 3rd vote for "i think your kids are super cute, but so are mine and voting either way leaves me in a strange and awkward position." yeah, that would have been my vote:)
great new pictures by the way.