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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

More Fun with Interesting Characters

Well, not having a license for 9 months almost came back to bite me this week. I need to pick up my new company car, and the dealership asked me to bring my license. I told them I didnt have it, and complained about the lengthy process required to replace lost social security cards and drivers licenses. It turns out that it doesnt take that long. As long as you dont go to the downtown social security office things arent that bad. The short time (about 45 minutes) that I spent in the office was quite eventful. I sat down across from two conversing friends and one their daughters (she was probably 10 and apparently home schooled). The two women talked with the daughter in the middle. I tried to record the conversation on my blackberry, but it was too far away. I could barely hear them, but highlights includes "I ate lunch with her at noon and she killed herself by 4", "the whole family and their dog were living in the hotel until the kids got taken away", "I found her sleeping in the car at 4Am", and many more. Down the way from me was an interesting man sitting with his wife/girlfriend and daughter. He has some very long fingernails used for who knows what and was covered in freemasons rings (ear and finger). He was very anxious and eventually noticed a sign on the wall that asked people to turn off their cell phones. It was a friendly request which I later realized was because everyone and their brother had a phone going off and would talk at various volumes. That would probably lead to people missing their numbers being called which would cause major anger. Anyway, he saw the sign and flew into a mini fit of rage and cursed at the sign. "F#$% that" he said. "They cant tell me to turn off my phone". "If they want me to turn off my phone, then they can pay my bill". That last line caused serious confusion in the logic center of my brain. Finally, a woman with a behind any rapper would admire strolled in with jeans that must have taken all morning to get on. She was young, and sat down asking a questions about collecting benefits based upon a recent death. Her line was "he isnt even in the ground yet". I thought she was referring to her husband, but then a guy came in and sat down next to her. She seemed pretty upbeat. Anyway, that is my best recollection of the fun. I really thought about taking pictures with my phone, but it makes a sound when you take a picture and the freemason guy might have killed me. The ret of the day included driving all over town trying to find an open license branch. 3 tries, no luck. Very annoying. I will get my license tomorrrow. Fun times.


KB said...

great story. i love descriptions of half crazy people.

Kathy said...

The world is full of interesting characters. In fact makes our lives look dull

Patti said...

very entertaining! thanks!

G.A.Sandy said...

well, that was really stepdaughter Lyn works in an ER and comes up with said kind of comments and usually also a whole lot of cell phones!!!

Whole 'nother world out there folks....

Hey, Ryan, where do you live exactly??

Thanks for the story, Damon Runion, (OK, I am dating myself....

G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

By the way...........why haven't you had your license for 9 months?