Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, November 29, 2008

Immediate Care?

As if we needed further proof that we should never leave the house, here comes Sanna with a travel-induced ear infection.   My theory is that the trip North somehow affected her inner ear and she went crazy.....I mean crazy.   I should have taken audio of the event.  She screamed at the top of her lungs for about 2 hours after we got there.  Only my magic swaddling skills (which Laurin refuses to acknowledge) cold calm her.  We called our pediatrician, but he was out for the holiday.  Luckily, he called back us back and confirmed our suspicions of an ear infection.  So, off we went to the immediate care facility.   Thankfully there was only one patient in front of us.   It was an odd hispanic couple.  They were dressed up like the had somewhere fancy to go, but they were in the immediate care center.  She had no outward ailments, so we began to hypothesize.  My thoughts were either a pregnancy scare or bird flu.  She was with someone who wasnt family (they wouldnt let him go back to the room).   Anyway, after they went back it was our turn.  The nurse weighed Sanna, which required me to weigh myself and add her weight when I held her.   She took her temperature rectally, despite the fact that the nurses who delivered her said they didnt do that to newborns due to fear of a rectal tear.  Then, it came time for the doctor.  He came in and tried to look at her ears.  She screamed, and the doctor couldnt see anything due to the massive accumulation of ear wax.  He tried to pick it out with a mideval looking pick.  He got some big chunks out, but still not enough to see her ear drums.  He didnt want to rupture her ear drums, so he didnt go any deeper with the pick.  So, it was the nurses turn.  She came in with a syringe and began to flush out the wax with water.  Sanna times.   We went through three progressions of picking by the doctor and flushing by the nurse.  After all that, he still couldnt see enough to make a conclusion.  So, he gave us a prescription for an antibiotic and said we could fill it if she was still in rough shape 24 hours later.  We continued to give her tylenol for that period and it seemed to help.  We never filled the prescription.  She seemed to be better the next day.  Not back to normal, but better.  She got a little better the next day after that, so felt better.    So, our first bout with sickness was interesting, but ultimately uneventful.  


Kathy said...

So the next time ask them to not take it rectally and why. They can do the temp other ways. Did any one suggest an ear wax softener for her.? Ask the Ped about that. You two are great parents. Talk back to the medical staff if you feel a question abut what they are doing. They should and need to explain their actions. As a nurse these are my thoughts.

Aunt kathy

Big Ryan said...

I asked them about doing it in the armpit, and she emphatically stated that the armpit method was not accurate.

Bri said...

Poor Baby Sanna. I want to give her a kiss. I have nightmares from having my temperature taken rectally. I was old enough to remember! That is effed up.