Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

How do you politely ask the homeless to stop touching your babies?

Thanks to the wonderful people at Baby Bjorn, Laurin and I have been taking the ladies for a lot of walks lately.   It was really nice out yesterday, so we hardly had to bundle them up.  While walking is fun for the whole family, having two amazingly cute babies strapped to you makes you very popular with all kinds of people.  It seemed like everyone was out and about yesterday, and they all love babies (especially twins).   Our most exciting encounter came when we came across two colorful characters enjoying some time out on a nice day.  As we walked up, the man was putting his forty of Cobra back in his windbreaker, and the woman must have just finished putting bright red lipstick all over her face and teeth.  It seems like the twins thing really intrigues people.  We almost made it past them, then I hear "TWINS?!?!?".   Not wanting to be total elitists we were forced to stop and acknowledge them.  What ensued was a 10 minute session of confusing conversation and fear of hepatitis.   The guy focused on me, telling me the story of his son, who is apparently an extra in movies (he was one of the cops that found Jimmy Hoffa's body in Bruce Almighty he said).   He also rambled about how great our girls will be and how they need to know their real father, the Lord.   Laurin's conversation was apparenly about the fact that the woman had 6 kids.  Where they were was anybody's guess.  One was 3 months old.   She showed Laurin a photo on her camera, then took a photo of Riley.  There was some awkward touching and at one point the woman put Riley's pacifier in her mouth.  Im not sure if they make water hot enough to clean it, so I think we retired that one.   I tried multiple times to end the conversation, but apparently they didnt major in getting hints.   Finally we used their impending hunger as a reason to move along.  Fun times.  I actually found the guys son online.  He seems pretty successful and together.  


Bri said...

Ummm, I have been known to be friendly to homeless people, and don't get me wrong I know they are people too, and what have you. But, you guys are way too nice. Which, duh, we already knew Laurin was nice, but Ryan, you surprise me.


G.A.Sandy said...

hey---way too much info for moi!!


C8ertot said...

Laurin--I think your girls are channeling what everyone in the lab referred to as the "Tammy Energy".

Melissa said...

ahhhahahaah! she out the pacifier in her mouth???? i hope laurin is going to soccer tonight b/c I cannot wait to hear this story! that is too much!!!

Kathy said...

ok when people you do not know and are questionable for health reasons do not have eye contact. Best to save your for those who may have taken their meds.