Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, November 14, 2008

Favorite Things

Our ladies have progressed to a point where they now have items that they like. So, far each of them has one favorite thing to play with. For our chunky monkey Riley, its a toy duck that she mostly likes to try to shove in her mouth. For Sanna, its the mirror on the Pineault Playcenter. What does this say about our ladies? Discuss? The video of Sanna with the mirror is not her best work. She normally angles it so she can see herself and talks to it. That girl wont shut up lately. She has my gift of gab. She either sleeping, talking, or whining these days.


mariellen said...

Ryan, you always had a thing for mirrors and liked to glance at yourself whenever you walked by one. So, that gene was passed on.
I believe stuffing your face also could be claimed as your genetic trait also.


G.A.Sandy said...

I second the mirror thing.. Also, the gift of gab is surely a female Souza trait....if she starts laughing in card stores, the jig is up!!
And the duck just shows a real go-getter coming through, why just play with it when you can eat it as well??
These pics are a treasure, thank you so much...and glad the Pineault Playcenter is working well! I recall our grandsons spending hours under ours...

Love; G.A.Sandy

p.s. Laurin, have I told you how lovely the pics are with you and your daughters??

helper bee said...

Gift for gab..that little girl takes after daddy!!LOL

Melissa said...

the funny thing is sanna's train of thought is about as coherent as yours ryan.