Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Biggest Losers?

We visited the doctor for their 3 month checkup today.  They are actually 15 weeks, but whatever.  Over the past month, Riley went from 11lbs 5oz to 13lbs 13oz.  Sanna went from 10lbs 14oz to 13lbs 1 oz.  So, Riley outgrew Sanna by 5 ounces.  When the ladies were 1 month old, they were beneath the 25h percentile in height and weight (not head size though :)).  Now Sanna is above the 60th percentile in everything, and Riley is in the 75th percentile in everything.   With this current trajectory, they will be in the 150th percentile in a few months.  I know that doesnt exist, but it helps to illustrate my point.  Ladies be growin.  I heard a rumor that they were going to extend the Biggest Loser brand to include an series for toddlers.  I guess they want to promote good health and exercise from a young age.  I know our girls could work hard and drop the pounds with the proper reward.  I think we are going to allow them to keep beefin up so they can be on the show (it is going to shoot in a couple years I guess).   When they drop the pounds we'll be rich.  At least one of them will win.  Riley will have more to lose most likely.   Anyway, look for us on NBC in the coming years.  


G.A.Sandy said...

Atta' girls!! That's what we like to hear, progress,progress,progress..... Sounds like all is going really well and kudos to that!!
And from what I see and hear the attention spans of our little silver girls are doing real well also....


Bri said...

That is fantastic news! And, their large head sizes prove that they are a good match for Abe (his remains in the 95th percentile). If one of them develops an affinity for trains, Abe's a goner.

Grampa S said...

I have to say that reading this blog
has been one of the high points of my day. To see and hold these bits of heaven is something only a few of us will ever have a chance to do.

Excellent job to the parents.

G.A.Sandy said...

me again....loved all the new pics by the way...and also tell more about the increase in red dots on your global audience for this blog....inquiring minds want to know....

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

Those girls are just the right size. No chubby jokes allowed!
As far as there big heads, I've never been able to wear a hat that doesn't perch on the top of my head, and I've survived. That's why they make knit caps!

Granny Smith

mariellen said...

I must correct my grammatical error on my previous entry. I should have written "their heads", not there heads. As I pride myself on my grammar and spelling skills, I couldn't let it go. I also wanted to beat Ryan to the punch before he made some sarcastic comment.

G.A.Sandy said...

Ryan: cannot vote on who is the cutest sleeper of my little silver girls because they are both equally cute...being twins and all.....

G.A. Sandy