Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lets get it On!!!!!

In the first "Cuteness Cage Match", we pit the soon-to-be-two Abe Drlich and his trusty sidekick Ozzie against our precious twosome napping in Sanna's crib.  Please vote in the comments section for the winner.  We already have a competitor for the next round.


Bri said...

Do I really need to say who my vote is for??? Your twins are cute (okay, really cute), but Abe in a Handy Manny shirt??? Come on!! My vote is for Abe and Fluffy Ozzie. Sorry ladies, my loyalty is to my kid.

JennaS8282 said...

I will have to go with the girls on this one...i have a feeling if i were to choose differently I might get booted from the family

Big Ryan said...

I should have said that those who submit cant vote. Also, cage matches arent about family loyalty. May the cutest picture win. This blog is obviously going to be pro-twins, but I dont want any undue favortism. That being said, how frickin cute are my ladies. Sorry boy and dog.

Bri said...

Clearly, we know where this blog leans ... it is a corrupt arena for a fair fight. So, why don't you let little Abe have at least one vote, even if it is from his Mama.

Big Ryan said...

Bri, dont doubt your chances. It was a good thing I saw your picture before posting. It was quite an entry. I thought about posting a picture of Riley wearing my blackberry and bluetooth headset, but I thought it was too weak an entry (and a little weird). If the voters are objective (as Ive asked them to be), you have a great shot. I did just get an entry from someone else that might give us a run for our money (whoever wins).

Unknown said...

This is going to be a cut-throat competition. I understand a parents love for boy/dog pics (believe me), but I'm going to have to go with the girls on this one. Maybe it's the novelty of twins shining through. The handy manny shirt almost pushed him over the edge. Those twins better step up their game for the later rounds.

Granny Smith said...

I go with the deuce. Adorable, sweet little babies are tough competition. :)

Christine and Matthew said...

We're gonna have to side with the girls. While Abe and dog are pretty gosh darn cute, up next to two babies you just can't win. Personally, baby beats dog so it's not even a fair fight. Maybe if there were two Abes?

So far Ryan, we don't question your parenting skills, but we both agree that you're at least an eight of ten at making babies. Those are some gosh darn cute babies.

We're also glad you've continued the blog. Being in Denver is a long way away from actually seeing them in person. We really appreciate the pictures and updates. You're our only friends with babies so we need to live vicariously through you. So keep em coming....

Maria said...

i vote for the girls--you really can't beat two babies napping together in their crib, even if they were ugly babies--which in this case they are not.
abe and his dog are pretty cute too though, but i am afraid the entire match up is unfair. can anyone beat twins? maybe my kids:)

Beth said...

Love the cage match idea! I can't wait to see my "kids" dominate and take home the gold!

Patti said...

My dog has you all beat! :)


G.A.Sandy said...

napping twins is my vote on this one, altho surely the other is really sweet,

G.A. Sandy

Patti said... are FORCING me to vote. I am very torn as I think Abe is the most handsome little guy that I've ever seen! BUT.............. I have to go with the 2 sleeping beauties. They are too sweet and they are two for one.


Matty said...

I'm voting for Abe and Ozzie. Fluffy dogs are cuter than wrinkly babies... and the lighting is way better in the Abe and Ozzie picture.
Ryan, next time you take a picture of the twins napping, be sure to take in the halogens!

Ryan Iannucci said...

I vote for Abe and Ozzie. Sorry Ryan - if you hadn't given me a dog, this probably wouldn't have happened.