Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, July 28, 2008

Should we allow any of these people near our kids?

We had our first party to celebrate our return home.  Most of the neighborhood posse showed up.  The babies were passed around for everyone to try.  So, the question is:  should we trust any of these people with our kids in the future?

Here is the rundown:

Picture 1:  Mr. Ryan Iannucci.  Ryan was very hesitant to hold the baby, having to be forced into action by Laurin and his loving wife Melissa. Ryan was uncertain how to hold a baby, which was concerning.  After a brief explanation, you can see the result.   It should be noted that Ryan has an identical twin brother who recently had a baby.  As far as I know, it is still alive an kickin. Ryan has a love for science and beer.  While I trust his ability to educate our children, he has been known to give his underage dog Max alcoholic beverages.  It is also currently being investigated whether or not he is an alcoholic.  He recently had two beers on a Monday. From that, make your call.  

Picture 2:  Mr. Chris Taylor.  Chris was recently featured as one of Indianpolis' 'Most Eligible Bachelors'.  Chris is the second most successful lawyer we know from Bingham McHale. He is also the second oldest member of our pickup soccer league.   Chris too struggled to support the babies massive 5lb frame, nearly dropping her to the floor.  Chris also has a dog that has been known to leave fecal matter on the floor.  As the kids get older and more mobile, that could be a problem.  

Picture 3:  Mrs Melissa Murphy-Iannucci.  Melissa was very eager to hold the babies, and appeared to know what she was doing.  Melissa has been known to dislike overweight children, which for now does not appear to be a problem.  Melissa is known for her inability to care for their dog Max, who has escaped numerous times.   If the babies get bored, she can entertain them with her love for trivia.

Picture 4.  The Damrons.  Justin is seen holding the baby in what appears to be a comfortable position.  He is accompanied by his child bride Emily.   The Damrons are up and coming dentists on the Indy dental scene.  Justin aspires to give grills to those less fortunate, and Emily hopes to get hired as his hygenist.  Justin is known for his love of Batman and Guitar Hero, so he clearly has the mind of a child.   It should be noted that during a recent indoor soccer game Justin failed to defend his wife as she was physically and verbally attacked by a male opponent. Would he leave our children to fend for themselves as well?

Picture 5: Casey Taylor (wasnt sure of Casey's last name, so I gave her Chris's).  Casey is the most successful lawyer we know from Bingham McHale.  She has succesfully mentored a troubled australian shephard for the past year.  While she doesnt currently play soccer, she does attend games and heckle.   Casey does have an affinity for Red Bull and Vodka, which could pose a problem.


Carey said...

Your babies are adorable and Ryan your commentary is quite entertaining. And as a side note...Bingham McHale is my local counsel, small world.

Hope to see your babies soon! and you guys of course.

Chris said...

Ryan--Excellent business development, my friend. You just won yourself a dinner courtesy of old man Bingham.

Carey--I hope you won't judge my legal skills by my baby-holding skills. Nobody told me they don't have neck muscles.

Ryan--You know what the blog needs? More pictures of the tiny twosome on that bear!

Big Ryan said...

Chris, my business development skills are only surpassed by my long ball skills. I would be happy to do a feature on the bear, and its impact on our children's happiness. It will probably be a monthly series.

Denise E said...

your babies are beautiful, laurin and ryan!! :) i'm sure baby edmund will approve of these 2 lovely ladies. laurin, i am disappointed that you didn't fight ryan for first hold. at first i wished i was there to hold them but after reading ryan's description of the baby-holders i am not quite sure i want to subject myself to that. just has me thinking... what ever would you say about me, ryan??? i do wish i lived close enough to stop by - though a restraining order might be taken out since i would likely overstay my welcome! oh, and ryan - a request, please. before posting something that is going to make us loyal blog readers lol, a warning would be appreciated for those of us that happen to be full-bladdered pregnant women. i don't want to have to hold you responsible for an accident at work.

Denise E said...

PS - laurin...the pic of you holding your daughters made me cry. are you shocked to hear that from me? i didn't think so! ;)

Unknown said...

Ryan doesn't want me near his kids because I've been labeled as a vigilante and the entire city of Gotham is out to get me.

In reality I'm really good with handling twins