Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Melissa is going to hate our babies.....

So, our babies are kinda fat.  Our "little" ladies managed to add over 2lbs in the last 24 days.  One is 6lbs 6oz, and the other is 6lbs 9oz.  We now have a scheduled induction Wednesday, July 23rd.  So, with a little luck we will have two screaming bundles of joy by the end of the 23rd.  

1 comment:

Melissa said...

awwww, i LOVE them!!! just don't let them get too much bigger! ;) those are some healthy girls! must be the sweedish side! so glad to hear we finally have a birth-date. what time are you guys going in? you know, this is kind of like laurin to have everything planned out. must be rubbing off on the babies too. hooray for munchkins!!