Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Weekly Randomness

Look what a little bribing with M&Ms can do:

More M&M derived sisterly love on a 53 degree February day.

Riley loves to "help" me play soccer.

Frankie and Sanna, normally adversaries, now lovers.

Toy Story derived sisterly love and bonding. Who knew that Woody and Buzz could allow the girls to sit in such close proximity without hitting, kicking, or biting each other?

One of Sanna's crazy singing/roaring performances. She really gets into it!

Riley studying the intricacies of Toy Story. What will happen next? She has to pay close attention because she has only seen it a million times. Even Frankie is captivated.

Ryan's favorite photograph to date. He now thinks that he is the Ansel Adams of watch photography. It does kinda look like an ad from a magazine. Note: Ryan insisted that this picture go in the blog post, so don't blame its randomness on me. :)


Brianne said...

I have been meaning to talk to Ryan about setting up a photoshoot for our most beloved timepieces. I just really haven't been able to feature them in a way that gives them justice.

Also, your girls are beautiful! I also was meaning to comment on the Toy Story undies. We have the same ones!

Patti said...

I was just going to email you requesting a new picture of both of them! You read my mind! I'm sure that Sanna gets her great singing voice from her Great Aunt Patti.....

Away We Go said...

Hey! Are they wearing my princess stickers?

mariellen said...

Timeless photography......

Ryan said...

Mother, i can just picture you laughing at yourself as you entered that comment.

Unknown said...

Life is good, How about an hourglass. Can't wait to see the ladies in person. Very soon. Time is fleeting.


Mental Diarrhea said...

that picture of the back of your leg all cocked out of socket made me gag.