Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

'Reading' Rainbow

Our girls have apparently learned how to read. As long as what they are reading is either a single letter or someone's name that they know, they are good. Grandma Nancy sent them a box full of Valentine's Day cards that they read one-by-one at a 100% success rate. Apparently, this is impressive. It occupies them for quite a while, so its a success in my book. Next up, The Iliad. As you can hear, Riley didnt like not being the center of attenting for the three minutes it took to shoot this video. I can tell Laurin was trying to shush her with no success.


G.A.Sandy said...

Sanna and Riley- you never cease to amaze me!!!

Love from Aunt Sandy and Unle Norm

mariellen said...

Pretty soon we can send her text messages on the Ipad!

Grammy Smith

Nancy Hendrickson said...

I am a proud Grandma to have READING granddaughters! I spent the last 20 years of my career trying to teach kindergardeners to read their own names and classmates' names just like Sanna and Riley are doing. I think we are ready next for Dr Seuss's "I Can Read With My Eyes Shut". :):):)

Brianne said...

They are geniuses!!!

Patti said...


Patti said...

The kissing picture!!!! <3

Unknown said...

WONDERFUL SANNA..AMazing. To their parents who nuture them Vonderbar!!! pretty soon no secrets..SO Proud...


Mental Diarrhea said...

holy crap