Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Icepocalypse 2011

Well, the "storm of the century" is finally over, and we are still trying to hammer, yes hammer, not dig, ourselves out. Instead of shoveling snow like most of the midwest, we are using garden hoes, shovels, and ice scrapers to try to breakup the nearly 3 inches of ice that is covering our walkways, sidewalks, and cars. Salt is no match for this stuff. Ryan can barely move today from trying to clear a pathway to the house. We didn't even try to walk when leaving the house yesterday, we went straight to our bottoms to slide right out the front door. These pictures don't really do it justice, but here is a little taste of what we are dealing with.

We had one major mishap yesterday when Ryan tried to carry Riley down the back steps while holding the railing. He took one step, lost his footing, flew upward, and landed hard on the steps on his back trying to protect Riley. Unfortunately, Riley's face was sticking out and hit the edge of the steps hard. It is a miracle that Ryan can still walk and that Riley didn't get a concussion. Riley was proud of her battle wounds which, luckily, were VERY minor. Stay safe everyone!


Kathy said...

You are slipping and a sliding for sure. You need to get those grippers that strap to the shoes. Well the ground hog saw his shadow so spring will be coming soon..Tell Ryan he did good because it could have been worse for both if them. Has DSS called?


mariellen said...

Time to salt the front and back steps. You don't want to lose the mailman,too! Poor Riley, what a trooper. Ryan, you know she'll never let you forget this one.

G.A.Sandy said...

Do be careful loves, and right on with salt as per Marillen (kitty litter works well,too) and also the grippers for the shoes as
Kathy says...
possibly a St Bernard with a good cask of rum around his neck!!!

Love you and stay warm and safe:

Aunt Sandy

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Poor Riley bear! I would love to hear her version of the whole incident. Does she feel safe going out into the world yet?