Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, February 11, 2011


I took the day off today so that I could accompany the girls to their second session of 'lil kickers', a soccer-focused 'learning' session for kids 2.5-3.5. Apparently a lot of your speed/motivation must develop over the 12 months following the 2.5 year mark because our girls left a lot to be desired in that area. when they choose to put in an effort, they are strong technically, which is promising. Riley wanted to be the star of the show when it was question and answer time. Sanna only melted down once. Im not sure how Laurin pulled this off last week without me there. Sanna was constantly sneaking out the door to the field, running towards the door/bathrooms. Riley asked to go potty twice during the hour we were there (once for Sanna). All in all it was quite fun for the girls and myself. This is our replacement for gymnastics after they changed the day/time on us.


Patti said...

I LOVE the new underware picture! Why don't my little soccer stars have uniforms like everyone else???? :)

Ryan said...

They joined the class halfway through the season. We will see about getting them hooked up next week.

Ryan Iannucci said...

Why are your girls wearing boys underwear?

Patti said...



I just love this pictures, really makes us feel like we are there! And I get the boy's underwear!!!

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

When you love Toy Story, it doesn't matter if their boy's briefs. The idea is that you would never want to piddle on Buzz Lightyear!

mariellen said...

Oops, I made a grammatical error- unexcusable. THEY'RE boy's briefs.

Nancy Hendrickson said...

Amen to keeping Buzz Lightyear dry and soil free :)

Kathy said...

Keep them busy is the secret and I want to know why they did not have their Elmo pants on. They will be soccer stars because they have a good gene pool. Go Girls.
