Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 20, 2011

Hot Hot Heat

This week brought us the first heat wave of the year. Sanna has taken to sleeping with her whole body under the covers, resulting in her being drenched in sweat when being woken up after 2.5 of napping bliss.

Every morning, the girls wake up with their hearts set on two things: eating and dancing to some version of single ladies. Saturday morning's dance off included high heels, sunglasses, and 'backpacks'.

Bringing the cute. Two minutes later she sunk those lovely teeth into her sister's back because she danced improperly during single ladies.

This is how one is supposed to dance during single ladies. Spinning for three minutes straight.

We made our first trek to the frozen yogurt shop with our posse. Riley climbed over anything she could find while Harper watched in amazement.

Riley allowed me to share HER ice cream. She did demand her own spoon though.

This is the cleanest Sanna has ever been after eating something of ice cream's consistency with a spoon.

One the way home, Riley wanted to fly solo in Erin's stroller. Erin and Sanna held hands and and had a funny face-off the whole way home.


Away We Go said...

Sanna in that first picture is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!

mariellen said...

If there is frozen yogurt, it must be Spring!

G.A.Sandy said...

Where to start!! The plethora of pics set me to spinning myself!! Ah, which to use for a new Sanna/Riley desktop pic... and Ryan, that photo of a watch!!! Oh, wow!!! I see it in an ad in the NY Times slick it is!!! May be time to do a Ryan Smith coffee table book????

Love and thanks so much!
Aunt Sandy and of course, Uncle Norm

Unknown said...

Oh how my Mom would have loved these two little ones. Keep capturing these moments because it goes by so sands in an hour glass are the days of our lives. Hey sound familiar. I never watched that show tho. Keep the show going we all love it.

G.A Kathy