Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Elmo and His Greedy Friends

While i was away this week, Laurin and Melissa conspired to send us to the orgy of capitalism that is 'Elmo and Friends'. Erin's #1 favorite thing in the world is Elmo, so I mostly blame her. When you walk in the front door, they are selling everything from elmo soccer balls to sweatshirts. We managed to make it through that gauntlet tantrum free, mostly under the guise of needing to hurry into the theater to not miss the beginning of the show. Here is everyone pre-show, only Sanna is experiencing emotional issues at this point.

She seemed to have recovered from her drama at this point. Staring at the stage as the show was about to begin.

Big Bird was the first to take the stage. I was trying to figure out if they all had microphones under their costumes or if they just had pre-taped audio. There was one live character who helped to move the show along, so I guess they must have all been miked up. Also, I couldnt make out a single word from any of the songs, which led me to believe that they were all singing under those costumes.

Elmo and Friends decided the 75 minute show needed an intermission. I have a pretty strong belief that the only reason for the intermission was to sell these $10 balloons to every parent in that place who didnt want to deal with a screaming toddler for the rest of the show. We managed to provide sufficient excuses to not buy 2 of these things (or any for that matter). Thankfully Ryan and Melissa didnt cave either. I think we made enough sarcastic comments about the timing and pricing of the balloon sales that none of the parents in earshot dared to buy one for their kids either.

Riley started to get a little restless post-intermission. I decided tickling her was the best plan to calm her down.

Food was the only thing that could get Sanna to sit still. Laurin is restraining her with all her might at this point. She seemed to enjoy kicking the people in front of her at every opportunity.

This was one of the final dance numbers. High marks for synchronization. Big Bird doesnt appear to be giving his all though. I am sure he blames the costume.

If Ive told Laurin once, Ive told her a million time, dont let the kids watch "16 and Pregnant".


Patti said...

What a special mommy and daddy for bringing them to see ELMO!!!! Great Job!

Unknown said...

Oh ELMO'D OUT FOR a while maybe. Imagine if Toy story peeps showed up. OOH RAH !! So many memories.
Surprised they let you tske pictures.Sneaky no flash technique maybe?

Love you all

G.A.Kathy and Mimi too

mariellen said...

It's quite a feat to walk out of that Elmo commercial gauntlet without purchasing anything. Good job! Makes the candy display in the grocery store pale in comparison.