Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Big Event

By now, I am sure everyone has seen all the great pictures from Katie's wedding (thank you Facebook). It was quite a weekend full of fun and excitement. As people know, I can get a little stressed out when it comes to my children. So, being responsible for delivering the cuteness that is our twin devils aged me a few years. Just as Laurin said of Katie in her speech, our girls are a little 'unpredictable'. During the rehearsal, the girls were in great spirits and executed their flower girl duties as well as the greatest optimist could have expected. They ran down the aisle throwing flowers and laughing all the way. That added to my normal level of optimism. Cut to the next day. More people and more time waiting before the big event equalled rambunctious toddlers. Toy Story can only pacify them for so long. I went a little too early to the suckers. Sanna worked on hers, drooling onto her pretty dress. I found paper towels in the bathroom that I tucked into the neckline of their dresses. I later had to take away the suckers, which was a source of irritation for Sanna and Riley. I should also mention that the girls had on very cute shoes that seemed to be magnetically repelled from their feet. As we got close to 'go time' Sanna began to run around and play 'hide and seek' under a card table pushed up against a railing. The slats in the railing were spaced more that sufficiently to allow her to plummet to her death at any moment. Trying to remove her from under the table resulted in a screaming fit my delicate ears couldnt handle in a public place surrounded by people who dont necessarily understand the struggle that is getting twin toddlers to do something other than what they want. So, the big moment was upon us and Sanna was under the table. I snatched her out from underneath the table and made promises I hope she forgets when she is older (I forget, but I may owe her every toy she ever asked for, a car, and a pony). One of her shoes was lost in this process, but I had to leave it behind in a split second executive decision. Riley ran over to the doorway before Sanna, and I wasnt able to stop her from making her way towards Grammy at the front of the church. Luckily it was the appropriate time, and I was able to get shoeless Sanna on her way just a second behind her sister. They took off down the aisle attempting to break the toddler record in the 40 yard dash. Flowers were flying everywhere, which I guess meant they were doing their job. They stopped about halfway down the aisle, at which point I decided I needed to step in and get them the rest of the way. Another shoe was lost, which I luckily managed to grab so Katie wouldnt trip on it as she walked down the aisle. We made our way to Grammy and Aunt Jenna and the job was done. I think it was a success, although it was such a blur of anxiety I cant recall how well it went over. Grammy rewarded the girls with Lotso and Buzz Lightyear dolls. We werent able to escape out the back of the church until after the first reading, allowing Riley enough time to tell everyone in the church about her new Buzz Lightyear doll. After making it out the back of the church, I was finally able to relax. That was until the wedding was over and our shoeless Sanna decided to melt down, forcing Laurin to bring her back to the hotel and almost miss the family pictures. Once we got to the reception, the girls were actually great. The girls did want to run around an explore the union. Riley danced her face off with anyone that would join her and Sanna watched Toy Story 3 about 4 times. They made it to 1030 (Sanna fell asleep on the dance floor and actually asked to go to bed). My favorite part (besides dancing with Riley) was when she walked in front of her mom while she was giving a speech holding a parasol and wearing a funny hat (from the photo booth). She started talking to her mother at which point I had to bring out the iPad and put them in the corner. All in all, it was a great time and we have plenty of great pictures to remember it.


Bri said...

I loved the recap. I thought they were great and adorable. Jake and I were also impressed by Ryan and Laurin's handling skills and minimal meltdowns. You two could easily take on more children! :)

Patti said...

You forgot the part when Riley got down the isle and yelled "I DID IT!". Great job you guys! They were perfect!

Kathy said...

Great story Ryan . They are great girls and you will have so many memories. Your Mother is still resting I am sure as well. Can't wait to see them in April. Love to you all. Just think when they are older you will be bored..and worried all the time for other things.

Love you all

Maria said...

Too funny! I am sure they were adorable. If they are anything like Ada, it is a miracle that you got the two of them down the aisle:)