Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lazy Sunday

A trip to the Iannucci's backyard results in an impromptu photo shoot. As Laurin was getting 21 bug bites I went through almost a whole roll of film. Even Max got some love.

When Riley saw this picture this morning she said 'Erin has the coolest shoes ever'. She forget that those were her shoes before the became Erin's. We bought them in her rapid foot growth phase and she only got to wear them a couple times. This is my favorite Erin photo yet.

This video is Riley's directorial debut. She has a very unique eye. I think she got it from me.

Goats are fun.
This isnt their wildest potty-jumping session but it was a pretty good time. No injuries yet.


Kathy said...

Oh lovely shots and so filled with excitement.I love being first...


Kathy said...

Great movies. Riley may have a future in short subjects. I hate being runner up.


G.A.Sandy said...

Riley does have a great eye, looking forward to coming events! Cute videos..

Aunt Sandy

Ryan Iannucci said...

can i get a cd of those shots of erin and max? or just email them to me again, i can't get them off my hotmail.

irisheyes said...

Your 'hood has everything--even an elephant. Cute pics of 'hood neighbors, too. Thanks for posting.