Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, August 9, 2010

State Fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, its official. Our girls can call themselves Hoosiers. They have been to the Indiana State Fair. We got there bright and early, which means we got a prime parking spot and avoided the crowds. It also meant that I couldnt get a fried turkey leg right when I walked in. Apparently the food doesnt really open until 10am despite the fair opening at 8. We also gambled by not taking a stroller, which may seem idiotic knowing that the fair is a mile or so in length. We got to pet pigs, goats, llamas, ponies, and cows. We also got to wash our hands multiple times. The girls were true to form. Riley stayed right with us and was upbeat all day. Sanna dragged her feet and layed down a few times. Nobody had a meltdown, which was good. The best was the little farming station they had. The girls followed a path where they participated in multiple farm activities (getting eggs from chickens, picking vegetables, feeding animals, etc.). The kids were supposed to take one thing from each station to put in their basket. Sanna tried to fill her basket at the first station. She also didnt understand the concept of brining her products to the market for sale at the end. She reached into the buckets of fake vegetables and tried to fill up some more. They did give the girls fake money at the end which allowed them to 'buy' a juice box. Also, the girls each got their own orders of fried butter (this years special treat). Sanna ate hers in about 30 seconds, while Riley was a little unsure about the wad of caloric gold.


Patti said...

Oh my gosh! What FUN! They look like they are getting so big! (and talking in sentences????) I'm long overdue for some twin time!



G.A.Sandy said...

Well, they are truly hoosiers...! Love these pics and that they are going through the rites of childhood like riding a pony for the first time. Thanks for sharing these precious days. And love the itty bitty piglets..

Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

Time to sign up for the 4H club! I can just picture a little goat grazing in your backyard ... or maybe a few chickens.
State fairs are so much fun and it looked like a great time was had by the girls.

Grammy S

Kathy said...

Miss you all already. Had such a great time with the family. The girls are so with it at the Fair.
Did you get the turkey leg, finally Ryan?
