Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, July 30, 2010

Lil Kickers

On Wednesday we followed Laurin to her soccer game as an excuse to get out of the house. The girls met up with some of their friends who also happened to be at the game. After being allowed to climb the stairs in the stands they were off to the races. They both went up and down about 50 times. Thankfully they would pause long enough for me to take a few pictures with Uncle Franks camera. They almost ran onto the field at one point to bring Laurin water, but we grabbed them before they became part of the game. The girls must be good luck charms as Laurin's team pulled out a last second victory.


G.A.Sandy said...

I am just in awe of these pics....stunning black and whites capturing the personalities of our incredible girls....WOW.... I love each picture. It is wonderful,
the great ability of children to live and enjoy each moment...and for you to capture it for us to savor...

Love and lots of it!
Aunt Sandy

Patti said...

Oh my gosh! They look like little "adult" soccer players! Give them some "stay as you are" pills until I can see them again! They aren't in college yet, are they?