Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, June 14, 2010

These Boots Were Made for Stumblin


irisheyes said...

The only thing that was missing was Nancy Sinatra singing ..."these boots are made for walking...and some day these boots are going walk all over you." But that's next year. But you two probably aren't even old enough to know this song.....alas!

Kathy said...

oh yes these Boots are made for walking and that is what I will do..Momma I will walk over to you..Pricelss. Aunt Jenna good taste.

G.A Kate

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, toddler runway!! I see a reality show in the future!!
What a delightful, delightful video. Good thing one cannot wear out videos, we keep playing them over. No visit to the computer is without a Sanna-Riley reviw!!
Good job Laurin -
Good job Auntie Jenna!!!

Love; Aunt Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

..oops meant review....

Aunt Sandy

Nancy Hendrickson said...

They were walking backwards because you said "walk BACK to mama". How literal and how cute!!!!!!!! Inside the mind of a toddler times two!