Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Alpha Female

Can you guess which one is the bossy one? Also, those sirens are not coming from our neighborhood, just the shiny new police car on the front porch. We should note that this went on for another 20 minutes.


G.A.Sandy said...

That is absolutely hilarious!!!! Like watching Laurel and Hardy....

Only cuter....

Love; us

Patti said...

Hahahaha. That is so funny! I needed a laugh! Thanks!

Kathy said...

Who's on first is right. They are a scream. They seem in concert on the game. Riley will be an Indy driver...did you see her move that wheel. quite competent for sure. Sanna is so patient with it all. Did they take Elmo for a ride.?

Great flick
