Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, June 28, 2010

Porch Pool Party

After spending an hour getting dressed in our 'baby suits', putting on 'block', and walking ovret to the pool, we realized that it was closed on Sunday. We didnt want to let our preparations go to waste, so we decided to have a pool party at home. That was until it started raining on the way home. So, we utilized our covered porch and filled the pool on the porch. The girls enjoyed the hose mostly. Everyone had a wonderful time and no neighbors witnessed our very odd pool party.

This video is not from the pool party, but from a post-bath attempt at dressing themselves while I was gone last week for work. enjoy.


Kathy said...

This no value to these videos because they are PRICELESS!!!!! Getting so big. Can't wait till I see them in person again. Keep the videos and pictures coming. Nice work MaMa. Give the girls a hug for me

G.A Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

CUTE OR What! Ah, all the things one must learn in life. This was a#10 smiley video and just loved i

Love; Aunt Sandy

G.A.Sandy said... t in it got lost.....

Aunt Sandy