Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, June 5, 2010

Late Night Fun

We had a cookout with some friends today, and the girls stayed out until almost 8 o'clock! We think they will sleep until noon tomorrow thanks to all the fun they had today. Towards the end of the party the sprinkler came out and the fun really started. Riley was temporarily spooked by one of the men at the party, resulting in her crying pictures. Two seconds later she was giving him high fives, so I am no sure what goes on in her head. The girls were well-behaved for once. Nobody was bitten or slappe during the party. There was even some sharing with only occasional reminders from us.


Kathy said...

Riley is so cute even when crying..Glad she then enjoyed herself..sprinkler looks like fun.
Sanna is liking it a lot.They have a busy life. Maybe the parents will get to sleep in as well.


Big Ryan said...

nope. riley has started waking up early on the weekends to get some time as a single child. 645 today and 630 yesterday. Sanna also escaped from her crib for the second time today, making it all the way down to the main floor with her bear.

Kathy said...

Did she use her burglar tools to escape? Nothing is sacred now...Get a screen door and use it at their bedroom with a latch on the outside. They see out but can't get out.Worked for some friends of ours when our kids were little. Oh yes the two's are coming. She must have been quiet. Did she wake up Riley?
Aunt Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

Quite the antics....Sanna is a regular out Indianapolis!
The girls are growing so fast...good thing for this terrific blog, we get to watch it all happen!!

Aunt Sandy