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Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the dads out there! We hope that you get the fun, relaxing day that you all truly deserve! We love all of you dads, but this post is dedicated to our very own #1 dad.

I always knew that my husband would make a wonderful father, but he has exceeded my wildest expectations. Ryan is so involved in Sanna and Riley's lives and makes them both feel so important and loved. He is always there when any of us need him and always puts our needs and feelings before his own. I can't imagine having a better husband and father to my children. Sorry guys, but Ryan has set a pretty high bar for you in the fathering department. People are constantly amazed by how much of the "load" that he carries. He truly loves spending time with the girls and is constantly helping me keep my sanity by bearing more than his share of the burden of raising two-year-old twins. I can't even express in words how much we appreciate and love him. Our family is known for our AMAZING sense of humor and HILARIOUS use of sarcasm, but I will try to put that aside just for one day to tell Ryan the things we are constantly thinking but don't say nearly enough. THANK YOU FOR BEING A TRULY AMAZING HUSBAND AND FATHER! WE LOVE YOU!

I will also take this time to wish a Happy Father's Day to my own father and father-in-law. My dad was always there for me when I needed him, and his example of what a husband and father should be surely led me to Ryan. As for Greg, he is a great man and certainly played a huge role in the man that Ryan is today and, for that, I thank him.

Below are a few of my favorite pics of Ryan and the girls.


Kathy said...

Laurin and girls. Your husband and Dad has always been GREAT Nephew as well. I appreciate from a far how great he is and love him more for it.

G>A Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

Laurin, I admit it, this brought me to tears. Your love shines all over the pictures and words. I held Ryan as a baby and one of my great joys has been watching him grow into a wonderful person...and now an incredible father and husband.
And to see him find such a wonderful woman to share life as his are quite a woman, dear Laurin as he is quite a man.

much love;
Aunt Sandy

mariellen said...

That has to be the most beautiful Father's Day tribute. Ryan, even as a child, loved babies. I knew he would make a wonderful dad,and his devotion to the girls is endearing. I am proud of the man he has become.


Patti said...

I LOVE the last picture! What a great Daddy! Happy belated father's day!