Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, December 27, 2009

Back That Thing Up

Ive gone blog crazy. In Melissa Iannucci fashion, I put up three posts today. You will have to pardon the background chatter on this hilarious video. Some members of the Smith household have never been part of a Ryan Smith production before so they lack proper etiquette. If you can fight your way through the annoying audience this is a gem. Riley just cant seem to get her pants over her ample posterior. Sorry the video is so long. I couldnt cut it down while away from our home base.

Babypalooza 2.0

This is the second post of the day, so be sure to check out the action of Christmas day as well.

Today began a story that will play itself out over the next 20 years. Finnegan is clearly in love with both of our daughters. Here you can see him expressing his love by choking Sanna. Typical grade school crush. She didnt cry as one normally would when being attacked. I am keeping a close eye on him. He isnt walking yet, so he cant actually chase after them, but he is doing his darndest.

Riley did her best to make Finnegan aware of her beauty and personality by pushing him in the wagon. He seemed interested, but he was clearly playing it cool.

Not to be outdone, Sanna jumped in to get her push on. Finnegan is starting to look annoyed by all this female attention. He just wanted to watch football and listen to his dad agonize over ever yard gained by his opponent's players in the fantasy football championship game.
This is the closest we could get to a group shot. Owen is the only one who cares about the quality of this photo. I thank him for the effort, but Riley's crying and Max's crazy cry/wheeze/grunt signaled the end of this dream shot. We tried to get everyone in funny hats as well. We are so nieve.

Owen tried his best to get a Santa hat on Sanna, but no luck. In another of her 'feats of strength', she fought him off and maintained her sweet hairdo.

Riley's second love was this bounce horse. She hung on for dear life as it played some sweet tunes.

Setting the feminist movement back another ten years, Riley and Haley proved themselves completely incapable of simple tasks like hammering and sawing. Owen had to come over and give the ladies a hand.
Our second Christmas of the year was in Grand Rapids. Here is a sampling of the chaos.

Rley could hardly control her excitement as she opened her numerous gifts. She took time out to relax with her Aunt Jenna.

The surprise gift of the day was a box of painted rocks for Sanna. She has a weird love for carrying around rocks she finds around the house. Granny Smith painted them as some of her favorite things (Brobee, an owl, butterfly, ladybug, etc.). She loved them and is currently trying to keep them away from Riley.

The stress of Christmas drove Riley to double-fist her milk. Bottle #2 came from her new baby.

"You will drink this milk and you will like it!" Riley said to her disobedient daughter. Karma is a bizzo my dear.

Sanna stared into her stocking to make sure she didnt miss any gifts.
Friday, December 25, 2009

The Many Faces of Riley Revisited

Yesterday, we took the kids over to the Perl museum in Ada, MI. We were very afraid that their curiosity and destructive tendencies would be too much for our hosts to take. They assured us that they were mentally prepared for the visit and that the cuteness of twins would outweigh the pain of losing treasured possessions. Riley was so excited she completely soaked her pants. That is why we have a bunch of naked shots. We didnt get as many pictures as I would have liked with the Perls due to our constant monitoring responsibilities. These are outof order again, but you can figure it out. Mrs. Perl also thinks we should publish more of the crazy/whiny moments from our ladies to show the reality of twins. I am happy to do that, but I dont want to scare people off of ever having children. I will look into a 24 hour webcam in our play room. We can stream it on the blog.

You may ask yourself "what lovely lady do these legs belong to?" The answer is Nick Perl. In honor of our first visit to the Perl house Nick spent 3 hours getting these pants on. The girls appreciated it.

This is my new favorite Riley picture. She is flashing her gang signs but maintaining her supreme cuteness.

She then proceeded to eat a spatula. Her hair was the impetus for this photo shoot. It turned out quite a few great shots of her many expressions.

If you are wondering why Sanna didnt make it into this post, it is because she spent most of our visit crying/clinging to her mother. She opened up towards the end of the visit, completing the first somersalt in the family as part of 'the move'. Riley was more willing to be passed around, spreading holiday cheer.

Cindy was so excited to hold a baby she couldnt stop screaming. Luke is in a world of trouble.
Monday, December 21, 2009

Gift Explosion

Thanks to the generosity of our friends and relatives, our children have been showered with gifts of all shapes and sizes. The girls have been dancing their faces off on the new Yo Gabba Gabba musical dance mat. They have also been carrying around their new baby dolls that begin a five-minute conversation with the touch of a button. They also got some sweet new hats that were hand crafted by Great Aunt Patti. The girls enjoyed ripping open their gifts and making a giant mess.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Party on the Step

Here is a video of our children at their calmest. Noone is getting bitten or slapped, so it is a happy moment that I wanted to capture on video. Please let us know your thoughts on this one so we can solve a raging family debate. Funny? Cute? Not Funny? Not Cute? Neutral? Our kids are definitely a little odd.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Party Fun

Late in the party, Sanna thought it was important to hide under this table and scream. We did not agree. Sorry all of these are out of order.

Sanna was cautious but intrigued by this bearded weirdo distributing fun toys to all the other kids.

Riley did not find Santa as amusing. Despite him giving her a gift she now loves she cried her eyes out until we seperated her from this odd character.

Riley saw the big kids diving on the floor chasing after baloons. She thought it looked fun, so she just dove on the floor and started making swimming motions.

This is a picture of Sanna early in the party, before she had run us and herself completely ragged, ripping ornaments off the tree and finding hidden staircases to climb.

Riley grew out of her latest carseat, so we have decided to just go ahead and buckle her in like a big girl, which she insists she it. We will have to put some padding on that strap that gos across her neck.

The girls find the vent to be thoroughly enjoyable. It makes for some good pictures too.

Riley is very exicted about the hot air.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Christmas Picture Take Two

Matching Christmas pajamas plus music equals funny pictures.

This is one of two reasonable pictures we were able to get. Despite all of Laurins coaching and props it was nothing but chaos.

Riley is really in to sitting on this little window ledge in our family room. She likes to look out into the backyard for squirrels. None this day, but she will try again tomorrow.

Sanna had removed most of the balls from the tree. She will get tired of doing that eventually Im sure. When we tell her to be gentle/nice to the ornaments she goes and kisses the goose ornament. She has no love for the decorative balls apparently.

This is the other winner. Laurin wasnt totally satisfied, but if you go back to last years pics you can see just how far weve come. I think she dreamed of the two of them hugging in their matching pea coats in front of the tree under perfect lighting. Maybe next year.

This is my favorite of the bunch. This was when they first saw the tree and were totally amazed/excited.