Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, September 5, 2009

Dont Try This at Home

Well, we made it to Rhode Isand.....barely. We left the house at 445AM to make our 640 flight. As always, we were early to the airport meaning we could have slept more and waited less. Our girls seemed to have left their balance at home. Sanna fell backwards from a standing position at the airport and smacked her her head. That was a sign of things to come. Our flight was direct, but the plane was a 40-seater with just enough room for me to stand up. They asked us to seperate as there arent enough oxygen masks on eash side of a row for two extra people. Luckily, the one empty seat was near us, so we stole another seat. The girls were minimally amused by their new dvd player/elmo dvd about pets. Sanna preferred to whack it with her finger and push all the buttons (causing the dvd to stop, fast forward, rewind, etc.). There was also food smeared all over it somehow. Sanna and her jimmy legs enjoyed kicking the seat in front of her and testing out her screeching skills. Riley was calmer suprisingly, but still hated sitting still for more than a few minutes at a time. Laurin and I tried a million different iterations of the three seats with two babies and us. We ended he flight standing up holding them. To make matters worse, we sat at the gate for at least ten minutes waiting for the jetway bridge to connect. The AC was turned off and Sanna was hitting a completely new decibel level. It is going to take the full week of vacation to get over that flight.

We decided to make a pit stop in Brookline to see Melissa's sister who goes to BU. They had a very nice park which was filled with kids. Our friendly girls joined in, stole some toys, and ate some acorns. It was a pretty sweet time. That was until Ryan and I went to CVS to pick up some whole milk and Riley managed to get a massive scrape on her forehead and nose. We were not with the girls at the time, so this was under the watchful eye of big momma. She waited until I noticed to acknowledge it and tell story of her irresponsibility.

After that, we jumped in our sweet rental minivan and headed for Narragansett. It took us over 30 minutes to get to the highway from Brookline. That was about 3 miles. Once on the highway it was pretty smooth. Since then, we have had a wicked sweet time.

I have already taken 100+ pictures of the girls in the park, by the ocean, on the porch, and more. I will try to post some of the winners each day.

Riley really enjoyed the swing. She did an entire loop over the top. I had always dreamed of doing that as a kid. Now that I am stronger with a small child it isnt that hard.

This was taken before she fell in. She was trying to grab a jellyfsh and bit it.

Big momma doesnt like this picture, but I think its a winner.

Sanna after she fell in trying to snatch a spider crab from between some of the big rocks on the jetty.


Patti said...

Enjoy your vacation!

mariellen said...

I have one word for you..... Benadryl. Have a great week enjoying the ocean and the smell of the salt sea air.

Love, Grammy Smith

Kathy said...

Planes trains and automobiles movie but with kids..oh goodie. You will look back and have a good laugh honest injun!

Enjoy the beach..imagine another flight home...mmmmm

G.A Kathy

G.A.Sandy said...

Ah, the joys of traveling with little ones....not for he faint of heart. Hopefully, this will be a wonderful vacation and that will blunt that trauma....
the pics are wonderful~thanks!

Love and safe traveling;
G.A. Sandy

Patti said...

Riley looks exactly like Grandma Smith in the previous blog entry and Sanna looks exactly like her mama in this blog entry.... anyone else notice that?