Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, August 31, 2009

Last Week's Adventures

The girls, Aunt Katie and I took a trip to South Haven last week. Granny Smith came to visit and brought the girls cool, new books.

Great Grandma and Grandpa came to visit also. The girls loved seeing them and showed them all of their books and toys.

Riley loved boating. She fed the duckles bread from the dingy. The ducks swam right up to the boat for food and to get a great view of Sanna's stink-eye. Sanna mainly whined and pouted. Even the friendly ducks knew to steer clear of her.

Finally, a good shot of the girls. This was our Christmas miracle for the year. Don't expect another cute picture of the two of them for another 13 months.

The girls loved being goofy by the glass door. There were a lot of faces smooshed against grandpa's clean glass. I guess that he will have to haul out the window cleaning supplies again. The girls are becoming more considerate though. I think that they waited at least 5 minutes this time before they started smearing their dirty little mouths and hands all over papa's glass. Progress.

The girls went swimming at Larry and Kitty's pool. They loved splashing in the water and playing with the giant noodles that the Girards were nice enough to share.

The ladies suddenly decided that they love to wear their lifejackets, even when they were nowhere near a boat or water. The only problem was that the lifejackets acted much like sumo suits. Whenever the girls put them on, they awkwardly stumbled around until they ended up on their backs like stranded turtles. Once on their backs, there was no rolling over or getting back up without assistance. It was a rather humorous scene. Sanna finally just gave up. Game over.


Kathy said...

Oh that is my favorite picture as well. So nice to see them having fun. Now on to vacation next week they are all ready. Love you all.


Mental Diarrhea said...

that was hilarious. even in my "i've been up for 38 hours in a row" state of mind that was adorable. hard to do L-dogg.