Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Road Trip and a Cold Beach

Yesterday was another action-packed cornucopia of fun. We played all morning, napped, drove to Taunton, hung out with the Massachusetts family, drove home, went to the beach, went for a walk, went to sleep. We try to have as little time as possible where the girls are just hanging around the house attempting to test the fracture toughness of various materials.

We made it up to the Campinirio estate in record time, leaving us plenty of time for Riley to channel her inner Cesar Milan and for Sanna to cry. They had different takes on the fun that Mimi brought to the day. Riley had no problem being licked and sniffed while Sanna did not appreciate someone trying to steal her bear. Riley is clearly a pack leader. She would hold out her hand to keep the savage beast at bay.

Once inside, they only broke one item in the museum of fun. Lucikly it wasnt the most valuable or sentimental item. We are pretty sure it can be repaired. Uncle Frank and Aunt Carol stopped by for lunch which brought another dog to the party. He was mostly interested in Leo's cooking so the girls didnt get to enjoy his company as much. The girls had a good time making phone calls to eachother and watching their Elmo DVD on the floor.

Once returning to Narragansett, we quickly packed up to go to the beach. It was a little colder than we had expected, which caused Riley to cry most of the time. Sanna, on the other hand, has never had a better time. She played in the wet sand and water, chased seagulls, and tried to skimboard. It was a short trip due to the temperature, but Sanna had a good time and we took plenty of pictures. She was trying to fight off hypothermia....smiling while her teeth were chattering.

Two more days of fun before we have to pack up and head home. I believe I have reached my blogging quota for the next two months, so you may not hear from us for a while after this trip.


G.A.Sandy said...

Love the pics and the storytelling, and appreciate your taking the time to keep us blogger addicts happy and content.. so great you could get to visit the Taunton family..

We LOVE you all!!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

The girls were wonderful and i can not praise their parents for how well they take care of them. Funny with all there toys Sanna like the plastic measuring cups and the portable phone the best. Riley, miss congeniality for sure loves her interactions with people. Proudly roarong like a lion or woof woof like a dog and much more. Wonderful treat for us old folks

G.A. Kathy

Patti said...

You CAN'T stop! We are all addicted to EVERY day postings now!

G.A.Sandy said...

RYAN!!! Your Grandmother Angi is definitely channeling through you with that spider web photo!!!!

Kudos on that....I am looking for one of hers and will send it...

Love ya' all;
G.A. Sandy