Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, August 3, 2009


The girl's first birthday party was a success. They loved eating cake, opening presents, playing with their friends, and being the center of attention.

The girls in their new ball pit.

Their birthday cake from Heavenly Sweets. This is the same place that Ryan and I got our wedding cake. I'll let you all in on a little secret ............ the cake was probably more for us adults than for the girls:) They did enjoy their smash cakes though.

Great Grandma and Grandpa really picked a winner with this talking Elmo. The girls just can't get enough of him, but mom and dad might have to remove his vocal chords soon:)

Even Erin was feeling festive. She seemed to enjoy her new Elmo hat. Don't worry, we didn't choke her with the elastic chin strap. No babies were harmed in the making of this blog, but they do do all of their own stunts:)

One of the many fun gifts that the girls received. It is now in their bedroom providing hours of entertainment for the girls and moments of peace and quiet for mom and dad.

Sanna loved sneaking peeks of people at the other end of the tunnel.

Riley thought that she was pretty cool sittin' by herself on the edge of the step.

Sanna had at least one ball in her hand all day.

Aunt Katie spent some big bucks to make the girls queens for the day.

Sanna directing her loyal servants.

They weren't quite sure why everyone was staring at them and singing. I think that the fire on the candles threw them off a little too.

As you all have seen in a previous post, Riley loves to get down and dirty.

Sanna prefers to smear the cake around on her tray.

Thank goodness this only happens once a year:) We will all rest up until next year:)


Patti said...

Looks like they had a big day! I wish I could have been there!


G.A.Sandy said...

Thanks, Laurin, for sharing all these great pics....hard to imagine that they are a year old already...looks like a good time was had by all... and as all little girls, they are loving new shoes!!

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

oh Fun !! a good time was had by all. Even us on the sidelines


Jill said...

Happy B-day twins!
I can not believe it's actually been a year. They get more beautious every day.
And really Mom and Dad the first birthday is totally more for you two than the girls. Congratulations on making it though a whole year of parenthood.
Looks like you two are naturals.