Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Monday, August 17, 2009

MEAT!!!!, and other fun things...

Last Saturday was the 2nd ever 'Cant Beat My Meat' extravaganza. It included sweet trophies, a cornhole tournament, and lots of meat. It was really a perfect day. Brooke (pictured below) flew all the way from Virginia for the event. She actually came for the state fair, but I was tying to protect her from being ridiculed for loving the fair.

My shirt can barely contain my biceps after all the curls I have been doing in the office. Guess which one is not like the others (not named Ryan)

Despite this cheesy goodness, my grilled philly cheesesteak sandwiches could only earn me runner-up status (no trophy):(

It was a pigtail explosion for Sanna. We finally found a way to hide her mullet. She is no longer afraid of the squeeze balls with the tentacles.

Riley's hair can only support the top pony. She is jealous. She did have the better shoes though.
Chasing each other and the dog through the tunnel has become a more frequent occurrence. Noone ever gets caught really. Just lots of squealing and giggling.

Katie had about enough of Nick's tales of Big Ten sports past,present, and future. At least she made it to the finals of the cornhole tournament (where she lost to Nick).


Kathy said...

OH SOONS LIKE A FUN TIME. Pictures of the girls are always great. Mullets sounds like my days Ryan.


G.A.Sandy said...

And a good day was had by all. Love the girl's outfits by the way.

G.A. Sandy