Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Monkey Joe's

Aunt Katie and I took our monkeys to Monkey Joe's on Wednesday to waste some time. Monkey Joe's is basically a giant bounce house. The first 30 minutes were uneventful and mainly involved the girls sitting perfectly still and silently asking us, "Where are we, and why have you taken us here?".

However, have no fear because, as evidenced by the hair in this picture, Sanna ended up rolling, diving, flipping and flopping all over ever square inch of Monkey Joe's. Riley, on the other hand, was quite content to cling to Katie and just take it all in.

The Naner crawling through one of the many secret tunnels. She loved to crawl back and forth, and back and forth, and back and forth, and ............ well, you get the idea.

Sanna and I at the bottom of a huge slide. If you were wondering, grown women do descend extremely fast down slippery slides. It worked out well though because Sanna seems to have a need for speed. She went down the toddler slides on her stomach, face first.

We finally got Riley comfortable enough to crawl through the tunnel, but it ended in crying after some contact from her sister.

Riley sat in the same spot on this alligator for what seemed like hours as Sanna crawled in circles around her. Sanna eventually did what she does best these days and stood up on top of the air-filled alligator before promptly falling off.

As always I was trying to capture just ONE decent picture of BOTH girls, but this is as close as I got. Is it really too much to ask to get one picture where both girls look cute and are smiling?

Sanna started to get the hang of bouncing, and Aunt Katie made it easier for her by bouncing next to her, sending her flying.

Surprise, surprise, Riley is STILL on the alligator:)

Sanna was having a great time and was pretty proud of herself. She would clap every time that she bounced and fell down.

Sanna assuming the position before Aunt Katie sent her hurling into the air and, subsequently, into her face-plant on the mat.

The girls told me that they had a great time at Monkey Joe's, but insisted that it would be way more fun if all of their grandparents took them next time:)


G.A.Sandy said...

laurin- thanks so much, we feel like we were on the adventure with you! Sounds like quite the place and that Sanna is getting her wings! Riley has to think about the dynamics more but surely will be soaring soon as well....

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

That looks like fun. Sign me up. I especially would like to try the slide.

Grammy Smith

Maria said...

yes, it is too much to ask to have both of them looking in the same direction and smiling...i have basically given up with my kids:)
they just keep getting cuter!

Patti said...

That WAS a fun adventure for us out here in "when are they going to post something new on the blog" land. You made me smile.... A LOT! Thanks!

Kathy said...

Do they have a Monkey Joe's for Senior Citizens..then I could sign up of course there would be many others as well as me.
