Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, August 13, 2009

Burn After Reading

Despite the cuteness displayed in these pictures, our kids have turned into big dorks. They are obnoxiously obsessed with reading. Yesterday, Laurin probably read 50 books to the girls. When I say 50 books, I mean the same 5 books 10 times each. They are really into the farm books, the monkeys on the bed, Dr. Seuss's ABCs, and anything with Yo Gabba Gabba. I have already turned the girls off of vegetables, how can I get them to give up reading as well? Also, if anyone can help us to find Tooddee or Foofa costumes for 18mo olds, we would appreciate it. We will procure them, but I dont know where to find them and havent googled yet. We waited until the last second last year which resulted in a pea and a st. bernard. Cute, but not coordinated.


Kathy said...

Reading is so important . G.Grandma Angi would have loved the fact that they appreciate it so much. They could read about those veggies Ryan. Good Luck with the google search I will give it a try too.

Love those shoes too.


G.A.Sandy said...

These pics are these little topsies are growing and learning....walking in Mom's footsteps (or is it the other way around...) and loving the sweet shoes...... want to reach into the computer and hug you all!

Am delighted about the reading.....!

G.A. Sandy

mariellen said...

I think Grandma Nancy would agree with me that we love to see the girls enjoying books. Books make you smart!!!

Love, Granny Smith

Patti said...

Books are good! (And so are new blog updates!)