Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Walking Nanna

Laurin has finally declared Sanna to be walking. It is now her primary mode of transportation. Enjoy the video. I want to let everyone know that there will be a birthday surprise tomorrow. I will put up a quiz to see who knows the most about our girls. Winner will get an autographed picture, so study hard tonight. All the answers were on the blog at some point, but I would like to see who can do the best without cheating. You can email your answers to me at and I will announce the results.


Kathy said...

Congrats to Sanna. Walking before a year. Good Job. She loves walking because she is really pleased with her self. I am too old for tests but I will try to make you proud Ryan. Of course her sister Riley was talking as well I heard "what's this" again.


irisheyes said...

Oh, brother, your competitive neighbors down the street will never be able to keep up with your creative blog. Interactive quizzes--how cool! But what do the girls autograph the picture with, crayon or footprint? Have fun at the birthday parties. It only gets better.....Sharon

G.A.Sandy said...

Wow---really marching....great..
and we heard clear as a bell Riley saying, What's This and Good job!!

G.A> Sandy

Mental Diarrhea said...