Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Park Photo Explosion

As you might expect, there have been a lot of photos lately. I havent been uploading all of them to flickr because I dont want to crash their site (and I can only upload ~100/month). Laurin has become slightly less annoyed, and has even snapped a few herself. We went to the park on Monday to get out of the house, and lots of fun ensued. Sanna crawled around while Riley just sat in place and pulled up on the bench. Swinging was fun as usual. I even took my first B&W video. After not wanting to stand up on the grass, Sanna suddenly popped up and took what might have been a record number of steps. I think this may be the week she becomes a full-time walker. Riley still fears stepping, despite being able to stand up with no assistance from people or objects. Sanna's walking hasnt gotten her anything that Riley is jealous of, so I expect it will be a while before her frustration overcomes her fear of change. I assume all of our relatives will approve of the last picture because the dog is small and cute.


G.A.Sandy said...

great photos....and looks like a good time was had by all...including Frankie....

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

The picture with Frankie must have been after lunch. Great photos and happy Sanna may walk before her big Birthday. Riley will not be long after I am sure. Any new words of late? By the way have the girls gotten ther rabies not want the dogs to catch anything..hahah
