Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Struttin Our Stuff

Sanna likes to climb anything. About 10 seconds after this picture was taken she tumbled backwards down the hill (momma was there to catch her).

I had to take this picture in stealth mode as the driver/passenger were questionable characters. If you cant tell, they are rolling down the street with one tire completely blown out. Just rollin on the rim to somewhere.

Sanna thought that the best place to rest was the middle of the street. You might ask yourself 'why is he taking a picture as his daughter lay helpless in the middle of the road?' You would be justified, but there werent any cars in sight.

We encountered our neighbors and their attack dachsund. Just checking in with our dog lovers out there, is this one ok? She is 11.

Riley took her hand off the clutch without realizing how fast the barney mobile can go.


Mental Diarrhea said...

i laughed so hard at this one...

G.A.Sandy said...

Too cute....and yes, the daschund (which I spelled wrong) looks pretty safe. My, my time is a fleeting, these babes are just trotting along....

G.A. Sandy

G.A.Sandy said...

I meant to say... my, my, time is fleeting. Altho it is true mine is as well, unfortunately...

G.A. Sandy

Kathy said...

The pics keep getting better. What a joy to see them daily. Ok does the dog have teeth..
Love you guys
