Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Soccer Saturday

Laurin had 7 soccer games on Saturday, so I had plenty of time to try out my camera. I took the girls to a couple of the games. They enjoyed trying to drink from every bottle except theirs. Sanna like climbing on top of chairs and coolers. She assumed the position below at least 5 times. Her fearlessness is sure to catch up with her at some point.

The girls love their teddy bears. They sleep with them at night now that we are allowed to put things in their cribs.

Both girls are now strong enough to push the other in the barney mobile. It looks like quite a workout.

Is it me, or does Sanna look wicked old in this picutre. 11 months going on 5 years.

Riley is looking pretty old herself.

Sanna doing what she loves.


Kathy said...

They are so cute Ryan. Yes the race has just begun for action packed days of climbing, stairs.etc. Better teach her to go down the stairs backwards ( Sanna)
Your journal gets better each day.
So glad they enjoy the Barney mobile, I was there when Grandma Smith picked it out.
Has my presents arrived yet from Grandma Smith ? The Big Day cometh
G.A Kathy

irisheyes said...

Ryan and Laurin--soccer Saturday and Sunday were fun. We had a good time seeing your girls in action.

Sharon and Joe