Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Long Saturday

Laurin has planned us a jam-packed summer, and Saturday was the first of ~8 weekends where we have major events or travel plans. Laurin helped organize a reunion of her club soccer team (1980 Michigan Hawks) in the Detroit area. Seeing as how I love to drive and we hate to sleep anywhere but our house, we made the 9 hour round trip in one day. I drove the entire way and Laurin slept most of the way. Thankfully, the drive home started at ~830 after a fun-filled afternoon for the girls. They slept almost the entire way home. The girls had fun with the other babies (including another girl named Riley who also yunts interestingly enough). They rode the swings, played with Dawson, ate food, and acted cute for all the other partygoers. I acted as grillmaster and photographer.


Patti said...

What's coming up in the next 7 weeks?

Patti said...

(nice pictures Dad)

Kathy said...

Busy Day. Did you drink a lot of coffee.


Big Ryan said...

no coffee. I am naturally caffeinated.