Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Friday, July 10, 2009

Daddy Got a New Toy

I decided to invest in the photographic future of our family this week. Say that ten times fast. I bought a new DSLR camera, and it is fantastic. It is not amusing to Big Momma, who insists there is never a reason to take 300 pics in one day. The pic on the top of the blog is one example, as are these other pic. I can also shoot HD video now, so watch out.


Kathy said...

What kind of DSL camera Ryan? It is in the genes kiddo. Great shots and I like the retro B/W. At least you are not developing 300 a day you would need the stimulus package money.


Big Ryan said...

It is a Nikon D5000

Patti said...

Congratulations on the new addition to the family. I am excited to see the new quality shots!

G.A.Sandy said...

VERY impressive!! I have camera envy...but knowing we will be getting better and better baby pics...well, cannot beat that!

G.A. Sandy

Ryan Iannucci said...

Nice work with the new camera. Now that I've started a rival blog, I must admit that I am very impressed with your posting tenacity. I just don't see where you find time. I'm hoping as Erin becomes more active I'll find more things to post. Right now it seems that it's really only necessary to post 7 pictures of her asleep.

Patti said...

Riley looks like a lean, mean excercise queen in the picture where she is pushing Katie.... What happened to the baby fat?

Mental Diarrhea said...

bananza is so beautiful..